Thursday, March 11, 2010


Aliza has been very observant and really thinking hard about my pregnancy. She's an extra special niece (I only have one so it's ok) and I don't want to forget all the love and curiosity she has showered on my growing belly. Baby gets hugs, kisses, pats, tickles, and even high fives whenever Aliza is near. Most recently when she holds my hand she puts a hand on my belly to hold the baby's hand. She even shared her birthday necklace and bracelet, putting them under my sweater so that baby could wear them. She has come up with some interesting advice and questions for me. So much wisdom from the mouth of a 4 year old!
  • Pointing to my chest "Is that another baby?"
  • I think if you laugh hard enough the baby will come out!
  • I hope your belly doesn't explode!
  • I see baby's thumb! (After noticing a scar beneath my belly button)
  • Goodnight, baby. Sleep good in Janell's belly.

I'm sure there have been more Aliza sayings worth remembering but these are my favorites. She has been very concerned about the baby not having a name yet and offered her own suggestion; "I'll call the baby Clacky!" She seems to have forgotten the nickname and I haven't reminded her!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Getting Ready for Baby

I love it every time we get a step closer to being ready for baby to come. I almost like hand me downs better than new things...the crib Aliza slept in, the extra bedding Jen didn't need, the giraffe that has already been well loved by Jeff. It's all just waiting for my little girl to make it her own.And of course her shoe collection awaits (thanks to Carla and Aliza). Does a baby yet to be born really need 24 pairs of shoes? I asked myself that question and then quickly dismissed it as irrelevant. She has them and it will bring her mommy much joy to select the shoes that complete her outfit. It makes me wonder though...will she be a girly girl or a rough and tumble tomboy...will she want to be a princess or watch MMA with her daddy (please not MMA!)...or will we have a boy and pack up all the pink?! I can't wait to meet her...or him!