Monday, December 21, 2009

Sheats Family Christmas

The Sheats family got together to celebrate Christmas on Sunday. Here are a few highlights from the day.Grandad reading the Christmas story from Luke 2.
Caleb built this birdhouse and was so proud that he brought it along to show us all. He showed us all how the birds get inside and explained that they are going to live there! Dad received a farside comic book from Linda. I think he enjoyed it.
Mom and Dad gave Aliza a kitchen of her own and Laura and Linda stocked her up on food for it. It took a team effort by Jeff and Jeremy to put it together while Aliza excitedly waited. She declared that it was going in her bedroom and that she would play all night! I wonder if anyone in her household slept last night!

My little bean gave me a gift that I had been eager for. It kicked hard enough that I felt it! It is so exciting to be able to feel my baby. We had a sonogram on Friday, pictures will be coming as soon as I get them scanned. We could see all the little fingers and toes. Bean was waving and kicking. When we wanted to see the gender though our baby just yawned and curled up into a little ball. We had the technician write down her guess for us (85% sure) and we will open it at Christmas.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Not Me - The First Trimester

There are certain things I was sure I would never do or become while pregnant. Here is a little snapshot of what I "haven't" done during the first trimester.

I don't wake up nauseous every morning and certainly don't take comfort in a cold tile floor with a bathmat as a pillow. I haven't quit packing my husband's lunch and never get to work late. When I do arrive at work I wouldn't think of laying on the couch for half an hour...or an hour...or more, that would be unprofessional. I've never gone out for fastfood after finishing the lunch I packed. I haven't given up high heels and surely that wasn't me searching walmart in my sweats and no make-up for the elusive cough syrup deemed safe for pregnancy. I haven't become emotional and don't cry when I see babies on TV. My house isn't messy, the flowerbeds don't have weeds, the laundry doesn't overflow the hamper, and the refrigerator doesn't get empty...I wouldn't consider neglecting those things in favor of a nap. This can't be me. Perhaps one day I'll join the ranks of women who tell the not so nauseous mommy-to-be "I just loved being pregnant!" Then again...maybe not!

P.S. My wonderful, considerate husband DID surprise me by cleaning the ceiling fans that didn't have a year's worth of dust on them and that I wasn't obsessing over!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It feels good to feel good!

Hooray for feeling good! Yesterday I was able to come home from work, make dinner, clean up dinner, do some productive homework, and entertain guests without any of it being an ordeal! I was bouncing around the house saying "I feel good, I feel good!" It totally boosted my self confidence to serve dinner to my husband and get through an evening without being curled up and immobile at any point. It gives me such hope for the rest of this pregnancy. Not to say the nausea didn't come back this morning but I'm still on a high from feeling good for an evening! I'm able to believe that one day feeling good will be the norm again.

Monday, October 5, 2009

8 Weeks Down...31 To Go!

Jeff and I are very excited about the coming addition to our family. May 17th seems a long way to go! Bean, as we affectionately refer to our baby, is 5/8 of an inch long and about the size of a kidney bean this week. I 'm afraid to say it out loud but it seems that morning sickness is a thing of the past. I've had more energy in the last couple days (besides having a cold) than I have in the last few weeks. It is a nice feeling! This picture is for those who keep telling me 8 weeks is too early to be showing but I do indeed seem to be developing a baby bump. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pickled Peppers

Jeff loves sweet peppers on his sandwiches. Since our pepper plant produced so well I decided that I would can a few for him to enjoy later. It was a nice idea. The first challenge was getting the skin off the peppers. I blistered the peppers like the directions said and then the skin was just supposed to come off. It didn't work that easily. There were tears when Jeff came into the kitchen to see what was going on and I informed him I was doing it for him. He told me I could quit but by then I was determined. So I ended up with two tiny jars of pickled peppers. I hope they are edible, if not they are kind of pretty maybe I'll just set them on a shelf to look at. From now on I will leave pickled peppers to Peter Piper!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Joining the Blog Community

I've been waiting for a reason to start blogging and decided that now that I have the time that is reason enough. My inspiration is the Trace Adkins song "You're Gonna Miss This."

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These Are Some Good Times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

I'm nearing the end of my first year of marriage and especially now that I have a job that let's my spend my evenings and weekends at home with my husband without a work cell that constantly rings and no work related stress to take with me I really feel like these are the good times. This whole year has been exceptional and I have so much to be thankful for. I don't expect to have great profound events to blog about but the little everyday moments are the good times that I know I will look back on and wish these days hadn't gone by so fast.