Saturday, May 29, 2010

3 Weeks

It's hard to believe that 3 weeks have already passed since Renee was born. I've been wanting to capture one of these sleepy little smiles. They flit across her face so fast, I love watching for them.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Did you ever wonder...

I've wondered before what it would be like to ride in the back of an ambulance, speeding down the highway, siren screaming through intersections. Some things are better to wonder about than to experience but now I know. Friday morning I woke up thinking I felt pretty good. I fed Renee and got in the shower to get ready for a doctor appointment. I had a small concern about soreness in my groin (be prepared this post is about to get graphic) and was headed to the OBGYN to get checked out. While in the shower I suddenly felt as though I was urinating, I thought this is odd and looked down to see a steady stream of blood which soon covered the bottom of the bathtub. I called for Jeff, he tried to reach the oncall doctor without success then called my mom who immediately headed over to our house. His next call was 911. By the time the ambulance arrived the bleeding had slowed but they agreed the best place for me was the hospital. So I got loaded up on the stretcher just as mom arrived to take care of Renee. Jeff rode along in the ambulance although they made him sit up front. Dad wasn't far behind and arrived at the hospital soon after Jeff and I did. The EMT's seemed competent and friendly, anyone that can manage to start an IV while bumping along in the back of an ambulance has my respect. I don't know if it is in the EMT handbook somewhere but Jeff and I both got our ears talked off as the EMT's told us all about their children and grandchildren and friend's's a long ride to Salisbury. My blood pressure remained stable and we got rushed into the hospital and then we waited...and waited...and waited. Meanwhile I laid on the bed and bled but no one was concerned. Two hours after arriving they sent me to the vascular lab to check for a blood clot since I had complained of groin pain, the technician called in a second opinion since she "doesn't do the pelvis" and they decided it was just vericose veins. Back down to ER where after another hour the doctor decided to do a pelvic exam. He really wanted the oncall OB doctor to do it but he got stuck with me. He couldn't tell where the bleeding was coming from but thought it was from a tear I got during labor. He discharged me to move me up to labor and delivery so that the OB doctor could restitch me. I got loaded into a wheelchair and pushed down the hall when my wheelchair driver got a phone call; turn around and bring her back. So we made a circle and I was back to the ER, turned out labor and delivery didn't want me since I wasn't in labor or pregnant at all. In the meantime I've spent the day alternately crying because I'm scared or because I'm not at home with my baby. So we waited...and waited...and waited. We had arrived at the hospital around 9am and at 2:30pm the OB doctor finally appeared and examined me. Turned out the ER doctor was wrong. The bleeding was coming from my uterus and with that the doctor wrote a prescription and sent me home. So we made it back home where my wonderful Mom had cleaned up the bathroom and washed the towels and had my daughter waiting for me clean and happy. Jeff went off to walmart to fill my prescription where he soon learned that no pharmacy in Pocomoke had that particular medication in stock. He called the OB to find out if they knew where he could find it, their pharmacy didn't have it in stock either. They said it wouldn't be a big deal if I waited for it to be ordered but in the meantime...I'm still bleeding! They did make a phone call though and found a pharmacy in Salisbury that had the medication. So Jeff turned around and drove back up to Salisbury and came home with the four pills I needed to resolve the problem. Jeff did most of the feedings Friday night and by morning I felt much better. We even went to church Saturday evening. It was quite a scare for all of us and I hope that the ambulance ride was a once in a lifetime experience. I couldn't be more thankful for Jeff, Mom, and Dad. It was a long day for all of us. We have much to be thankful for.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Renee Autumn Hale

Renee Autumn arrived Friday, May 7th at 8:29 pm. She weighed 6lbs 8oz and was 19in long. I couldn't believe how long and thick her hair was. She is absolutely beautiful. Apparently the doctor was smitten with her too because she doubled as a hair stylist for Renee between contractions. We came home from the hospital on Mother's Day and Jeff was prepared with individual cards for me from both him and Renee. It was a special day. I don't have any clear thoughts on motherhood yet. I just know that I love holding my little girl and watching other people hold her and love her. Jeff is a great Daddy already. He and Renee have special play time together and he reads to her from her Bible story book every night.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Aliza has been very observant and really thinking hard about my pregnancy. She's an extra special niece (I only have one so it's ok) and I don't want to forget all the love and curiosity she has showered on my growing belly. Baby gets hugs, kisses, pats, tickles, and even high fives whenever Aliza is near. Most recently when she holds my hand she puts a hand on my belly to hold the baby's hand. She even shared her birthday necklace and bracelet, putting them under my sweater so that baby could wear them. She has come up with some interesting advice and questions for me. So much wisdom from the mouth of a 4 year old!
  • Pointing to my chest "Is that another baby?"
  • I think if you laugh hard enough the baby will come out!
  • I hope your belly doesn't explode!
  • I see baby's thumb! (After noticing a scar beneath my belly button)
  • Goodnight, baby. Sleep good in Janell's belly.

I'm sure there have been more Aliza sayings worth remembering but these are my favorites. She has been very concerned about the baby not having a name yet and offered her own suggestion; "I'll call the baby Clacky!" She seems to have forgotten the nickname and I haven't reminded her!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Getting Ready for Baby

I love it every time we get a step closer to being ready for baby to come. I almost like hand me downs better than new things...the crib Aliza slept in, the extra bedding Jen didn't need, the giraffe that has already been well loved by Jeff. It's all just waiting for my little girl to make it her own.And of course her shoe collection awaits (thanks to Carla and Aliza). Does a baby yet to be born really need 24 pairs of shoes? I asked myself that question and then quickly dismissed it as irrelevant. She has them and it will bring her mommy much joy to select the shoes that complete her outfit. It makes me wonder though...will she be a girly girl or a rough and tumble tomboy...will she want to be a princess or watch MMA with her daddy (please not MMA!)...or will we have a boy and pack up all the pink?! I can't wait to meet her...or him!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Scraplifter's Challenge

I completed this page for the scraplifter's challenge on . Each month they post a new template and draw a winner from the submissions. I thought it would be a good way for me to challenge myself to learn some new techniques each month. The only thing I couldn't figure out was how to round the corners on the pictures. I'll leave that till another day.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Digital Scrapbooking

Jeff gave me digital scrapbooking software for Christmas. I've been busily downloading every free embelishment I can find online and created this page. I was a little frustrated at not being able to immediately create every effect that popped into mind, there seems to be a learning curve but I was satisfied with the final product. I ordered this page as a sample so I can see what it looks like in print before doing more. At this point it didn't take less time than doing a physical layout but I love the portability.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A wardrobe fit for a princess

From the pictures you might guess that we are expecting a girl, my little "beanette". She is going to be one well dressed little lady. I am incredibly thankful for sisters and hand me downs! Without Carla my maternity wardrobe and my baby collection would be sadly lacking. No chance of that, this little one isn't going to know what to do when one day she has to wear an outfit twice before out growing it. I might have to put a sunday dress on her to go to the grocery store just so she gets to wear them all...or maybe not.
I've been feeling her kick more and more and while I was sorting the clothes I just couldn't wait until the day I get to hold this little baby I'm already in love with. It is such a relief to have these feelings after all the anxiety of the first trimester.